CSHA Region 5 English Western Program
Exhibitor Enrollment Forms
New to CSHA and Region 5
If this is your first time signing up for the Region 5 English Western High Point Program download the New Member Enrollment Package. It will contain all of the forms necessary to get you started.
New Member Enrollment Package
CSHA State Forms
Use these forms to renew your CSHA membership, apply or renew your amateur card or to request a transfer into Region 5.
CSHA State Membership Application
CSHA State Amateur Card Application
CSHA Region Transfer Request Form
Region 5 Program Rules
Program rules are generally revised/updated annually to reflect changes for the current show season. Please make sure that you are aware of any changes that may have been made.
Region 5 Enrollment Forms
If you are returning to the EW program you can use the enrollment form to submit your entry. Please review the check list for instructions.
Region 5 E/W Check List
Region 5 E/W Enrollment Forms
Region 5 Points Form
Once you are registered into the EW program, use this form to record and submit your points to the EW chair.
Use the forms on this page only, all other versions are obsolete. Click the links above to open & print the forms.