CSHA Region 5 English Western Program

Our Sponsors, Thank You For Your Support
Thank you to Groovy Gorditas Mexican food truck, our food services sponsor for the Spring Stampede Show.
Please join us in supporting the history of California and help to preserve the opportunities for future generations to enjoy horse recreation. As a tribute to the yearlong commitment and hard work of the dedicated riders of the Region 5 English/Western Program, the California State Horsemen's Association (CSHA) holds an annual awards banquet to honor them. Awards are presented to the high point rider and the runner up in each division.
Your sponsorship donations are greatly appreciated and are vital to the continuation of the program. Your contributions will enable us to present awards to these dedicated riders who are outstanding representatives of horsemanship in California. We need your support. Please help us honor these riders and their horses. Help us preserve this program for future generations.
We offer a wide range of donation levels to choose from and all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The California State Horsemen's Association is a tax exempt corporation under IRC 501(c)(3) and R&TC 2370d. Please click on the sponsorship form link below and make a contribution.
If you wish further information on our program or who we are, please feel free contact the CSHA Region 5 President or the ​Region 5 English Western Program Chair
Click on the Link below to make a contribution
Region 5 EW Sponsorship Donation Form​